The world of journals, comics, poems, stories and other spiritual literatures where everyone can find something educative, relevant and useful to read in order to spur up spiritual growth in the knowledge of Christ


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The mission of this company is to feed the world with knowledgeable contents through various entertaining measures that will enhance the spiritual growth of humans.

"searching for success outside your God given purpose is equivalent to searching for roses in a vine yard"

           - Emma John

Esther Oladejo

"Instant healing is possible, you don't have to procrastinate the healing; besides, we aren't the healer"

            - Emma John

Adie-Stella Attoe
C.E.O of FIMA, Software Engineer and Freelancer

"God deals with you on the capacity of how far your mind can take, with how much your heart can give."


Samuel John Essien
C.E.O of SJE foundation

About Us

Emma John


What an amazing privilege it is to have you here, we most certainly will not abuse this right.

Here we have diverse Christian books for both children and adults at an extremely affordable rate.

Please do well to purchase as many as you want and be sure to leave a feedback with the contact email provided at the bottom of the page, thank you very much.


Emmanuel John Essien, the C.E.O of Divine Deluge, officially known as Emma John is a Christian whose God given purpose on earth is to raise up Godly icons who can inspire the world through their gifts, crafts and art.

  Emma John is a poet, a rap artist, a public speaker, a digital entrepreneur who has dedicated his skills to the work of the ministry; therefore, accepting God's call upon his life to renovate the Media sector for Christ.

  A lot of the works posted here are from the writers under Divine Deluge and there is still room, very much available for more.

So if interested, please do well to send an email to

God bless us as we join hands together to accomplish our assignments by taking the gospel round the ends of the earth by the supernatural advantage of the Holy Spirit